Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Declining Confidence

Let's assume someone has a brain fart and suggests to convert all bugs into tasks, only to get rid of the bug backlog. Gone are all the bugs in a second. All of a sudden you produce bug-free software. What a great achievement.

Another product manager cleaned his backlog by converting all bugs into tasks only for time sitting in a meeting with the release manager. He had less to explain then. When the meeting was over, he moved the tasks back to bugs. Believe it or not, this really happened and this scenario reminded me to “Patriot Games” with Harrison Ford playing a former CIA agent. One scene was about a terrorist training camp in the desert. The chiefs knew the exact times when an American espionage satellite flew over their area. They hid their weapons and anything that seemed suspicious; then they holed up in their tents until the danger had passed.  

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