Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Leaving Springfield

For once, not a testing related cartoon. ThanX to  Trump who - in Ohio- threw the ball in my court with his statement "they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats, they're eating the pets of the people that live there".

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Birthday Paradox - and how the use of AI helped resolving a bug

While working / testing a new web based solution to replace the current fat client, I was assigned an an interesting customer problem report.

The customer claimed that since the deployment of the new application, they noticed at least 2 incidents per day where the sending of electronic documents contained a corrupt set of attachments. For example, instead of 5 medical reports, only 4 were included in the generated mailing. The local IT administrator observed the incident to happen due to duplicate keys set for the attachments from time to time.

But, they could not evaluate whether the duplicates were created by the old fat client or the new web based application. Both products (old and new) were used in parallel. Some departments used the new web based product, while others still stick to using the old. Due to compatibility reasons, the new application inherited also antiquated algorithms to not mess up the database and to guarantee parallel operation of both products.

One of these relicts was a four digit alphanumeric code for each document created in the database. The code had to be unique only within one person’s file of documents. If another person had a document using the same code, that was still OK.

 At first, it seemed very unlikely that a person’s document could be assigned a duplicate code. And, there was a debate between the customer and different stakeholders on our side.
The new web application was claimed to be free of creating duplicates but I was not so sure about that. The customer ticket was left untouched and the customer lost out until we found a moment, took the initiative and developed a script to observe all new documents created during our automated tests and also during manual regression testing of other features. 

The script was executed every once an hour. We never had any duplicates until after a week, all of a sudden the Jenkins script alarmed claiming the detection of a duplicate. That moment was like Xmas and we were so excited to analyze the two documents. 

In fact, both documents belonged to the same person. Now, we wanted to know who created these and what was the scenario applied in this case. 

Unfortunately, it was impossible to determine who was the author of the documents. My test team claimed not having done anything with the target person. The person’s name for which the duplicates were created occurred only once in our test case management tool, but not for a scenario that could have explained the phenomena. The userid (author of the documents) belonged to the product owner. He assured he did not do anything with that person that day and explained that many other stakeholders could have used the same userid within the test environment where that anomaly was detected.

 An appeal in the developer group chat did not help resolve the mystery either. The only theory in place was “it must have happened during creation or copying of a document”.  The most easy explanation had been the latter; the copy-procedure.

Our theory was that a copied document could result in assigning the same code to the new instance. But, we tested that; copying documents was working as expected. The copied instance received a new unique code that was different from its origin. Too easy anyway.

 Encouraged to resolve the mystery, we asked ChatGBT about the likelihood of duplicates to happen in our scenario. The response was juicy. 

It claimed an almost 2% chance of duplicates if the person had already 200 assigned codes (within his/her documents). That was really surprising and when we further asked ChatGBT, it turned out the probability climbed up to 25% if the person had assigned 2000 varying codes in her documents.

This result is based on the so called Birthday Paradox which states, that it needs only 23 random individuals to get a 50% chance of a shared birthday. Wow!

 Since I am not a mathematician, I wanted to test the theory with my own experiment. I started to write down the birthdays of 23 random people within my circle of acquaintances. Actually, I could stop already at 18. Within this small set I had identified 4 people who shared the same birthday. Fascinating!

 That egged us to develop yet another script and flood one exemplary fresh person record with hundreds of automatically created documents.

The result was revealing:

Number of assigned codes for 1 person







Number of identified duplicates (Run 1)






Number of identified duplicates (Run 2)






 With these 2 test runs, we could prove that the new application produced duplicates if only we had enough unique documents assigned to the person upfront.

 The resolution could be as simple as that:

  • When assigning the code, check for existing codes and re-generated if needed (could be time-consuming depending on the number of existing documents)
  • When generating the mailing, the system could check all selected attachments and automatically correct the duplicates and re-generate these or warn the user about the duplicates to correct it manually.

 What followed was a nicely documented internal ticket with all our analysis work. The fix was given highest priority and made into the next hot-fix. 

 When people ask me, what  I find so fascinating about software testing, then this story is a perfect example. Yes sure, often, we have to deal with boring regression testing or repeatedly throwing back pieces of code back to the developer because something was obviously wrong, but the really exciting moments for me are puzzles like this one; fuzzy ticket descriptions, false claims, obscure statements, contradictory or incomplete information, accusations and none really finds the time to dig deeper into the "forensics".

That is the moment where I cannot resist and love to jump in. 

 But, the most interesting finding in this story has not been betrayed yet. While looking at the duplicates, we noticed that all ended up with the character Q. 

 And when looking closer at the other non-duplicated codes, we noticed that actually ALL codes ended up with character Q. This was even more exciting. This fact reduced the number of possibilities from 1.6 million variants down to only 46656 and with it, the probability of duplicates.

At the end I could also prove that the old legacy program was not 100% free from creating duplicates even though it was close to impossible. The only way to force the old program to create duplicates was to flood one exemplary person with 46656 records, meaning all codes were used then. But that is such an unrealistic scenario, it was already pathetic.



Further notes for testers
Duplicate records can be easily identified using Excel by going to DataTools and choose "RemoveDuplicates".




Or, what was also helpful in my case was the online tool at 

where you could post your full data set and it returned all duplicates.

Yet another alternative is use to SQL group command like in my case

SELECT COUNT(*) as num, mycode FROM table WHERE personid=xxx GROUP BY mycode ORDER BY num DESC;

 And...my simple piece of code in C# which I used within the automated scripts to alarm when the returned value was higher than 1.