Test automation plays a key-role in buidling great software, especially in today's rapid delivery cycles. What works today, may be broken tomorrow. But while most managers agree it is important, many struggle investing accordingly or do not understand that they have to support the testers while asking for testable code. Making code testable is often seen as something less important than delivering features quickly.
Testability is a foreign word although it is the key to successful test automation. I have heard phrases like "Oh, yes, that is a nice idea, but we will do this later". Later here means either never or at a time when it is already too late and becomes too costly to implement it.
Some also believe test automation saves tester resources. That's not really true, because test automation enables you doing tests you would never have hired any test resources for anyway. Test Automation enables you doing things that 100 testers couldn't do, that's right, but you would never hire these testers anyway, so you cannot talk about "saving tester resources".
Test Automation actually saves resources, but not really at QA. Test Automation enables you to point out failing code right after it is committed/checked-in. So, this happens at a time a developer still remembers what he just did. He can correct the error with no big deal. Without automation you would notice the same errors days or weeks later. At that time, the developer already moved on with different stuff and hardly anyone may know who broke the code or what piece of code is responsible for the detected anomaly. An expensive analysis and debugging starts where not only one but liklely more people are involved investigating the issue. These are the costs you can avoid with automation, but never say it saves test resources.